Hex Spencer is a 25 year-old freelance ambulance medic, a Gatecrasher. Hex sports two massive, fresh, red-cross tattoos on both of her muscular shoulders — which are always visible under her sleeveless utility jacket. Until recently Hex was part of a sought-after courier team, running illicit wetware around the city for whomever would pay. But after taking care of her abandoned niece Melita while watching her mother die in the hospital, Hex knew it was time to get out. Dr. Stahl, who cared for her dying mother, managed to get her a job Gatecrashing. Everyday is a struggle to avoid the lure of the streets and to stay on the right side of the law.
Name: Hixon “Hex” Spencer
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Home: District 11
Wetwork: None
Favorite Team: D20 Hacienderos