Throughout the 1990s, spurred on by the massive influx of new immigrants, tensions mount between the overlapping cultures and growing disparity between income and social status of neighbors from one side of the street to the next. As more power shifts to local leaders and communities demand more autonomy, various cultural groups were forced into ever smaller and more confined neighborhoods and they begin to clash in district standoffs, widespread violence, and unrest. District 10 is the epicenter of the conflict at the height of the Culture Clashes. District 05 cordoned off the most exclusive properties and neighborhoods in the city. The affluent residents hired private security to patrol the Gates in response to the ‘Low Districts’ overpowering the city and taking control of the Gates for nefarious purposes. Over time STRC Force made District 05 their home base and HQ. The gates in and out of District 05 are the most heavily fortified and unlike some of the outlying abandoned gates, District 05 Gates are manned by armed STRC Patrols 24 hours a day.